Company Name | : |
PIYAKIJ FOAM SIAM CO., LTD. บริษัท ปิยะกิจ โฟมสยาม จำกัด |
Address | : |
22/4 Moo 4, Bangpleeyai, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 |
Tel | : | (662) 755 3294, (662) 755 3295, 065-532-8832 |
Fax | : | (662) 385 5866 | |
Established Date | : | 17 Febuary 1997 | |
Registered Capital | : | 3,000,000 Baht | |
Employee | : | 11 persons | |
Factory Area | : | 389 sq.m. | |
Type of Business | : | - Expandable PolyStyrene (EPS) - Foam sheet for packing such as electronic parts, etc. and using for building Wall, Roof, Decoration using - Foam block, Foam container for fruit, food, ice, fish, etc. - Foam cutting (follow drawing or customer required) |
Working Day | : | Monday - Saturday 8.00 - 17.00 |